Miguel Amaya Biography
Miguel is an American Journalist working as a community journalist for ABC7NY . He worked for CNN as a desk assistant before joining ABC7NY and produced The Daily DC podcast .
Miguel Amaya Age
Miguel was born in Miami , Florida . However, the exact date of birth is not known , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Miguel Amaya Career
Miguel is currently (2020) a community journalist for ABC7NY . He worked for CNN as a desk assistant before joining ABC7NY and also produced The Daily DC podcast. He began his journalism career as a video fellow for BBC, where he reported on immigration stories from the U.S.-Mexico border and produced digital videos for a domestic and international audience .
Before he began his journalism career , he worked for public institutions like the Miami-Dade County Health Department , the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce , Florida’s Department of Transportation , and the City of Doral .
Miguel Amaya Salary
Miguel Salary estimates is still under review , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Miguel Amaya Net Worth
Miguel Net Worth estimates is still under review , however, Abc News Reporter salaries currently range between 29,000 USD to 42,000 USD annually across the United States . These figures may vary substantially according to the level of one’s position at job .
Miguel Amaya Family
Miguel was born and raised by his parents in Miami , Florida . However , his family background and details is not known publicly , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Miguel Amaya Wife
Miguel has kept his love life and relationship private , it is not known whether is married nor dating , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Miguel Amaya Education
Miguel attended the University of Miami graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and a master’s degree in International Administration . He attended and graduated from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism .