Katie and Derek Biography
Katie and Derek are reality TV stars who are best known as one of the five couples on season 10 of Married at First Sight , which premiered on 1st , January , 2020 .
Katie and Derek Age
Katie is 25 years old while Derek is 26 years old . However , their exact Dates and places of Births is not known publicly ,this section shall be updated once information is available .
Katie and Derick Careers
Derek is a cybersecurity engineer from Maryland while mental health professional from Virginia .
Katie and Derick Salaries
Katie and Derick Salaries estimates are still under reviews , this section shal be updated once information isn available .
Katie and Derick Net Worths
Katie and Derick Net Worths estimates are still under review , thiss ection shall be updated once information is available .
Katie and Derek Family
Derek was born and brought up in a tight-knit military family . However, his parents got divorced while he was young. Despite his parents’ rocky marriage, he still believes in the institution of marriage .
Katie Family background and details is not publicly known , but they are divorced . She , however , hopes to find her soulmate on Married at First Sight . She has three brothers . After her parents divorced her father remarried a woman who became an intricate part of Katie’s support system while growing up
Katie and Derek Dating
Katie has had struggles finding a lasting connection with a partner over the years . Her upbringing has made her cautious about who she chooses as a partner and it has helped her figure out what she really wants in a relationship and from her husband-to-be .
Derek , side story , has had a few failed relationships . He has not been lucky with his love life . And even though his parents divorced , that had no impact on his views of love , relationships or marriage in any negative way .
Katie and Derek Married at First Sight
In this season of Married at First sight , Katie and Derek have had several issues which include Katie’s feelings for her ex and Derek’s admission that he wasn’t sure if he’d fall in love with Katie within a year of their marriage . They however have a genuine connection .
Their fans are rooting for them and hoping that the couple will stay together since they both seem committed to their marriage . They both have no problem expressing their feelings .
Katie and Derick Educations
Katie and Derick Education backgrounds and Starndards is not publicly known .this section shall be updated once information is available .