Arlene Silver Biography
Arlene Silver an American make-up artist known for her work on Carolina 2003 , Murder 101 2006 , and The Men of Delta Farce Salute the Troops 2007 . She is well known as the wife of Dick Van Dyke .
Arlene Silver Age
Silver was born on 21st , September , 1971 , in New York , United States . Her husband was born on 13th , December , 1925, in West Plains , Missouri , United States .
Arlene Silver Salary
Silver Salary estimates is still under review , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Arlene Silver Net Worth
Silver Net Worth is estimated to be 1 miilion USD . Her husband Dick Van Dyke Net Worth is estimated to be 50 million USD .
Arlene Silver Family
Silver Family background and details is not known publicly . Her mother worked at City National Bank ; the bank’s headquarters are in Los Angeles , California . Silver has a brother , known as Jonathan Silver .
Arlene Silver Husband
Silver is married to her husband Dick Van Dyke . Her husband is an American award-winning actor , comedian , writer , singer , and dancer . The couple met in 2006 at the SAG Awards . They were married on 29th , February , 2012 , in Malibu , in a small wedding ceremony .
Dick Van Dyke was previously married to his ex-wife wife Margie Willett . Dick and Willett were married on 12th , February , 1948 . Together with Margie Willett , they had four children , Barry Van Dyke , Carrie Beth Van Dyke , Christian Van Dyke , and Stacy Van Dyke . The two were later divorced in 1984 after a long separation . Dick Van Dyke’s ex-wife Margie Willett died in 2008 .
Dick Van Dyke was later married to actress Michelle Triola Marvin they lived together for more than three decades . Michelle Triola Marvin died of lung cancer on 30th , October , 2009 , in Malibu , California , United States .
Arlene Silver Education
Arlene graduated with a degree in communications and TV/film from the California State University, Fullerton, in 1999. At the age of ten years, Silver moved to California From the Bronx, New York, United States.