Thomas Raggi Biography
Raggi is an Italian professional Guitarist . He started learning the classical guitar before learning the electric guitar at a very young age .
Thomas Raggi Age
Raggi was born on 18th , January , 2001 , in Rome , Italy .
Thomas Raggi Career
He is a member of Italy’s Eurovision-Winning Band , The Måneskin . Måneskin , Danish for “moonlight” as a tribute to bassist Victoria De Angelis’s Danish heritage . The band music band was formed in 2016 in Rome Italy . The band consists of Ethan Torchio drummer , Victoria De Angelis , bassist , Damiano David , vocalist , and Thomas.
Raggi and Victoria De Angelis initially formed the pop-rock and funk-rock band The Måneskin , Damiano , and Ethan later joined the band . Together with the band , bassist , Victoria De Angelis Raggi attended the John F Kennedy Scientific High School in Rome , Italy .
In March , 2021 , the band competed in the 71st edition of the annual Sanremo Music Festival held in the Teatro Ariston of Sanremo . With their song “Zitti e buoni”, the band emerged winner of the “Big Artists” section of the contest , which saw the participation of 26 artists .
In May , 2021 , the group won the Eurovision competition in Rotterdam , the Netherlands , with their tune “Zitti E Buoni ,” which translates into English as “shut up and be quiet .” The band’s win marked Italy’s third victory since the competition began in 1956 . The first win was in 1964 , by Gigliola Cinquett with the song “Non Ho L’Età ,” and the second was in 1990 , when Toto Cutugno won for “Insieme 1992 .”
Thomas Raggi Salary
Raggi Salary estimates is still under review , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Thomas Raggi Net Worth
Raggi Net Worth estimates is still under review , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Thomas Raggi Family
Raggi Family background and details is not known publicly , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Thomas Raggi Wife
Raggi has kept his love life and relationship private , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Thomas Raggi Education
Raggi Education background and starndards is not known publicly , this section shall be updated once information is available .