Desiree DaCosta Biography
DaCosta is an American Actress and comedian . DaCosta is the Executive Assistant for Eddie Murphy . She is known for her roles on Another 48 Hrs . (1990) , Boomerang (1992) , and Harlem Nights (1989) . DaCosta is known as Blair Underwood’s wife .
Desiree DaCosta Age
She was born on 3rd , November , 1970, in California , United States .
Disree Dacosta Salary
Dacosta Salary estimates is still under review , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Desiree Dacosta Net Worth
DaCosta Net Worth is estimated to be 100,000 USD , Whilst her husband Net Worth is estimated to be 8 million USD .
Desiree Dacosta Family
Dacosta Family background and details is not known publicly . This section shall be updated once information is available .
Desiree Dacosta Husband
Dacosta is married to her husband Blair Underwood . Her husband is an American actor, director, and producer. He has appeared in several films during his acting career, including Just Cause (1995) , Set It Off (1996) , Deep Impact (1998) , Rules of Engagement (2000) , Something New (2006) , Madea’s Family Reunion (2006) , and Juanita (2019) . He has earned two Golden Globe Award nominations , five NAACP Image Awards , one Daytime Emmy Award , and one Grammy Award .
Underwood and DaCosta were married on 17th , September, 1994 . They have three kids together . Recently in May , 2021, Blair Underwood and his wife , DaCosta , announced that they’re ending their marriage after 27 years . The couple posted a joint statement saying that ; “After a tremendous amount of thought , prayer & work on ourselves individually & collectively , we have come to the conclusion to end our marriage that began 27 years ago , It has truly been a beautiful journey .
Our proudest achievements are our three incredible children . Three souls to which God entrusted us . We continue to be awed & humbled by the blessings of parenting . We have always put their best interests first & will continue to do so . We will continue to be the best of friends and co-parents and have the utmost respect for one another as we embark upon this new chapter of our lives , separately . We thank you all for your support throughout the years & we humbly ask for privacy & understanding during this new season of change ,” They wrote .
Desiree DaCosta Children
Together with her husband Blair Underwood they have three children . Their son Paris Underwood was born in 1997 , their son Blake Ellis Underwood was born on 9th , June , 2001 , and their daughter Brielle Underwood was born in 1999 .
Desiree Dacosta Education
Dacosta Education background and starndards is not known publicly , this section shall be updated once information is available .