Daniel Cohen Biography
Daniel Cohena French economist and a professor at the École d’économie de Paris as well as a senior advisor to the bank Lazard. He is a member of the Council of Economic Analysis of the French Prime Minister and an Op-Ed columnist to “Le Monde” magazine.
Daniel Cohen Age
Cohena was born on 16 June 1953 in Tunis, French Tunisia.
Daniel Cohen Career
He is a distinguished fellow from Association Française de Sciences Economiques in 1987 and was appointed the Economist of the Year, in 1997, by “Le Nouvel Economiste.” Daniel was the co-director of the International Macro-economics Program at the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) from 1991 till 1998.
Before that, Cohen served as a consultant to the World Bank, from 1984 till 1997. Daniel has served as an adviser to the Bolivian government along with Jeffrey Sachs and was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University from 1981 to 1982.
Also, he has published several books, including Private Lending to the Sovereign States, Our Modern Times, and The Wealth of the World and the Poverty of Nations, which has translated into 15 languages.
Daniel Cohen Books
- – The Infinite Desire for Growth
- – Globalization and its enemies
- – Three lectures on post-industrial society
- – The Prosperity of Vice: A Worried View of Economics
- – Our modern times
- – The wealth of the world and the poverty of nations
- – Richesse du monde, pauvretés des nations
- – Private lending to sovereign states
- – The misfortunes of prosperity
- – Les infortunes de la prospérité
- – Homo Economicus: The (Lost) Prophet of Modern Times
- – Arguments and Metaphors in Philosophy
- – The Sustainability of African debt
- – Loans Or Grants?
- – Toward a Lender of First Resort
- – New York Motion Practice Handbook and Forms
- – New York Motion Practice Handbook and Forms 2018
- – Economic Behaviour and Design
Daniel Cohen Net worth
Cohen estimated net worth is currently under review .
Daniel Cohen Awards and Distinctions
- – Laureate of the Association française de sciences économiques in1987
- – American Express Special Merit Award in 1987
- – Le Nouvel économiste “Economist of the Year” in 1997
- – Prix Léon Faucher from the Académie des sciences morales et politiques in 2000
- – Prix du Livre d’économie in 2000
- – Laureate du Prix européen in 2000
- – Prix Synapsis for the book Mutation et travail in 2000
- – Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur in 2001
- – Brussels Lectures in Economics in 2003
Daniel Cohen Married
Cohen information about his love life are yet revealed, we will updated as soon as we get to hear about from him or the rest of other sources.
Daniel Cohen Family
Cohen information about his family are yet revealed, we will updated as soon as we get to hear about from him or the rest of other sources.
Daniel Cohen Education
Cohen he went to the University Paris 10 Nanterre, a French university in the Academy of Versailles.