Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Christy McGinity Gibel Biography

Christy Gibel an American actress, financial advisor, and reality star known for “Death to Smoochy” and “Little Women: LA.” She as well featured in are “Ghost Whisperer” and “MADtv”.

Christy McGinity Gibel Age

Gibel was born on 19th August 1977, in Burbank, California.

Christy McGinity Family

McGinity information about her family are publicly unavailable. This secion will be updated as soon as this section is available.

Christy McGinity Gibel Husband

Gibel was first married to Artran and togethe had two children together; a daughter named Autumn and a son named Trenton.

Christy McGinity Gibel Todd Gibel

Gibel’s got married to Todd Gibel in May 2014. Baci in June 2019, she filed for an annulment of the marriage and had to prove their marriage had never been valid. She filled a one month after she previously filed for a temporary restraining order against her husband in May. She as well had filed for a restraining order after Todd impersonated her via email and shut her out of her social media accounts. The restraining order had her move out of their home.

Christy McGinity Gibel Boyfriend

Christy started Gonzo Carazo and together are already expecting a baby together. The duo revealed the gender; It is a girl who will be named Violet Eva Carazo.

Christy McGinity Gibel Little Women L.A

Gibel featured on a reality show; Little Women L.A. She previously worked as a stand-in for child actors in commercials. She as well had had minor roles in films, “Death to Smoochy”, and “Austin Powers in Goldmember”.

She featured in an episode of Little Women: NY and as well featured on an episode of “The People’s Court” alongside her daughter Autumn. She is friends Little Women: NY cast member Lila Call.

Christy McGinity Gibel Surgery

Gibel had a spinal surgery in November 2016. The doctor nicked her carotid artery, taht almost killed her and she subsequently suffered a stroke some months after the surgery.

The spinal surgery she went through had never been performed on a little person before. She later survived the stroke but required months of recovery. In 2018, she went through another surgery but this time, a gastric sleeve surgery, to assist her weight loss.

Christy McGinity Gibel Height and Weight

Gibel stands tall at a height of 3 feet 2 inches and has an average body weight.

Christy McGinity Gibel Net Worth

Gibel has an estimated net worth of $1 million

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