Raquel Vilar Biography
Vilar is a Brazillian actress and performer known for her roles in films such as Foreign Desert , Sally Ride .
Raquel Vilar Age
Vilar was born on 15th , September , 1978 in Rio de Janeiro .
Raquel Vilar Career
Vilar began studying at Contemporary Theater Company when she was 15 years old and has since honed her skills in a variety of study groups , including Laura Alvim , Cal , Eva Due Bruce , Sarkis Tcheumlekdjian , Marcia Fiani , Jo-Ann Endicott , and others . She made her debut in a soup opera for TV Globo , one of Brazil’s largest broadcasters , while she was in her twenties , and stayed there for six years .
She shot six films and appeared in five different plays during this time . She is now a member of Ohne Festen Wohnsitz , a Berlin-based independent theater company, and has already appeared in two pieces , one of which , ‘Opdakh ,’ won the BfDT Bündnis für Demokratie und Toleranz 2019 Award .
Villar gained to prominence with roles in films such as Foreign Desert , Sally Ride , Headstream , Mutti , and others , as well as her new work in the television series Dom . She has been working in the entertainment industry since 2007 and has appeared in a number of major movie productions .
Raquel Vilar Movies and Tv Shows
- Sally Ride
- The Dognapper
- Deserto Estarngeiro
- Christmas in Rio
Raquel Vilar Salary
Vilar Salary estimates is still under review , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Raquel Vilar Net worth
Vilar Net Worth is estimated to be 11 million USD .
Raquel Vilar Family
Vilar was born in Rio de Janeiro ,however ,Family background and details is not known publicly , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Raquel Vilar Husband
Vilar has kept her love life and relationship private , it is not known whether she is married nor dating This section shall be updated once information is avilable .
Raquel Vilar Education
Vilar studied at the Contemporary Theater Company.