Richard Hartley Biography
Hartley is a pastor at Haven International Ministries in Far Rockaway , Queens . He is a gospel singer and gospel choir trainer and director . He stars in a USA Network series The Rev .
Richard Hartley Age
Hartley was born on 28th , November , 1961 . However the exact place of birth is not known publicly , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Richard Hartley Career
Hartley is a star of The Rev, a comedic reality television show. The shows feature Richard, his wife, and children, and friends.
Richard Hartley Music Career
Hartley is a gospel singer , a gospel choir trainer , and director . He grew up in a church setting and attended Bethlehem Church of God in Christ in Far Rockaway , New York , with his mother and siblings . He began singing when he was four years old and at the age of 6, he developed an interest in directing a choir .
Later he got a chance to be part of “Mama , I want to Sing! ,” a Broadway musical . Following his participation in the musical , his family was asked to quit the Bethlehem Church of God in Christ as no secular music performance was approved of at the place of worship .
The gospel singer has traveled far and wide including countries like Austria , Turkey , Greece , Germany , England , Japan , and Italy among others , to perform and coach choirs. He has performed alongside the likes of Mariah Carey , Celine Dion , Aretha Franklin , Diana Ross , Diddy among others .
Richard Hartley Salary
Hartley Salary estimates is still under review , this section shall be updated once information is available .
Richard Hartley Net worth
Hartley Net Worth is estimated to be between 1 million USD to 3 million USD . He gains his income through his ministry as a pastor and through the television reality show .
Richard Hartley Family
Hartley Family background details is not known publicly , However , He grew up in Queens living with his mother and siblings . His family attended Bethlehem Church of God in Christ in Far Rockaway , New York .
Richard Hartley Wife
Hartley is married to Stacey Hartley , and have stayed for more than 30 years . Stacey is a trained nurse and shares responsibilities in Haven International Ministries with Richard . The couple met in high school and have been together ever since . the couples are blessed with two children , Judea and Jordan
Richard Hartley Judea
Judea , is 27-year-old daughter calls herself a “professional student .” She has a bachelor’s in Political Science , a master’s degree in Journalism , and another master’s in Public Relations . In January , 2021 , Judea applied for a Doctorate . In addition , she is a praise and worship leader in Haven International Church .
Richard Hartley Jordan
Jordan is 28 years old as of 2020 . He is a self-taught musician and can play several instruments . He is a drummer in the Havel International Church band .
Richard Hartley Education
Hartley has a post-graduate degree in Psychology from Brooklyn College and a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Theology from Washington Religious Institute .